Solutions for problems from Goldstein, Poole, and Safko’s Classical Mechanics (3rd Edition). Read the disclaimer before use.
Note: Out professor wrote his own problems roughly for chapters 3 and 4. I am not going to post my solutions to those problems publicly.
Solution: Goldstein 1.8 (contains an error)
Solution: Goldstein 2.13 (I made a mistake solving an ODE)
Solution: Goldstein 2.14 (I made the same mistake solving an ODE)
Solution: Goldstein 2.18 (see grader comments)
Solution: Goldstein 5.6 (I did not bother with the Poinsot construction)
Solution: Goldstein 6.4 (Though I received full credit, my first attempt at this problem was slow and inelegant. See the last page for a better solution)
Solution: Goldstein 12.6 (watch out for the minor computation error)