These are my solutions to problems from Julian Schwinger’s Classical Electrodynamics. Read the disclaimer before use.
- Note: As far as I know, almost no one else has posted solutions to Schwinger problems online. As such, I am posting all my solutions — even if they are not particularly high-quality.
- Note #2: Our professor gave us a sheet of hints along with each problem set. These sheets sometimes contained mathematical results that we were allowed to use without proof. I did. Sorry!
Solution: Schwinger 10.10 (a,c, and d only — note my solution for part a has a problem)
Solution: Schwinger 28.2 (beware: my solution is more of a novelty than a viable way to do this problem! Still, it worked… The intended solution should be quick and easy.)
Solution: Schwinger 31.1(one step here is incomplete)
Solution: Schwinger 32.1 (the referenced Mathematica calculation is simple plug-n-chug)
Solution: Schwinger 32.2 (I made a silly mistake in the computation part at the end. Also, the referenced Mathematica calculation is simple plug-n-chug)
Solution: Schwinger 34.1 (34.14 only)
Solution: Schwinger 35.2 (our prof. deemed the full calculation too messy to attempt. We were required to work only the first steps)
Solution: Schwinger 36.4 (I did not “repeat for a magnetic charge g”)