These are my solutions for problems from John David Jackson’s Classical Electrodynamics (3rd Edition). Brace yourself — I did not get full marks on many of these. Getting any single Jackson problem completely correct could be a life’s work! Hopefully you can still find use in them. Read the disclaimer before use.

Solution: Jackson 1.3

Solution: Jackson 1.6

Solution: Jackson 1.12

Solution: Jackson 1.21

Solution: Jackson 2.1

Solution: Jackson 2.2 (watch out — I didn’t understand part d)

Solution: Jackson 2.3

Solution: Jackson 2.7

Solution: Jackson 2.15

Solution: Jackson 3.2 (something went wrong… see below for an update.)

An astute user pointed out that on the 4th-to-last line of writing on the 1st page, I made a key mistake: The first term of the outer potential should be \small B_{0}/r, but I forgot to divide by a factor of \small r. This factor of \small r^{-1} comes from line 19 on the same page. Whoops! Hopefully this helps.

Solution: Jackson 3.7 (only part a is complete)

Solution: Jackson 3.13 (I didn’t bother to check for agreement)

Solution: Jackson 3.20 (parts a & b only, and I didn’t bother to check for agreement)

Solution: Jackson 3.24 (part a only)

Solution: Jackson 3.27 (part a only)

Solution: Jackson 4.7 (parts a & b only – skip the crossed-out part on the second page)

Solution: Jackson 4.8

Solution: Jackson 4.9

Solution: Jackson 4.10

Solution: Jackson 5.6

Solution: Jackson 5.11

Solution: Jackson 5.13

Solution: Jackson 5.15 (parts a & b only)

Solution: Jackson 5.16

Solution: Jackson 5.25 (Only parts a & b are complete. This problem gets nasty)

Solution: Jackson 6.4 (has some small misunderstandings)

Solution: Jackson 6.8